God At Eventide-July 15

July 15 – Home of Joy

Heart speaks to heart as you wait before Me. Love enkindles Love.

The air you breathe is Divine, life-giving, invigorating.

The place in which you rest is My Secret Place.

You do not come to ask Me of doctrine.

That is, as it were, the foundation of your Spiritual being; necessary but once secure, you seek to fashion, with Me, its beautiful superstructure — the home of Peace and Joy where I come and commune with you.

God Calling-July 15

July 15 – Songs on the Way

Many of My disciples have had to stay on in the dark, alone and friendless.

They struggled on, singing as they went.

For you, too, there must be songs on the way.  Should I plant your feet on an insecure ladder?  Its supports may be out of your sight, hidden in my secret Place of the Most High, but if I have asked you to step on and up firmly — then surely have I secured your ladder.

Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; 
thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance.  Psalm 32:7

God Calling-July 14

July 14 – True Success

Our Lord, we thank Thee that Thou hast kept us.

Rejoice indeed that you see My Hand in all the happenings and the keepings of the day.  Protected, the Israelites crossed the Red Sea; so are you protected in all things.

Rely on this and go forward.  You have now entered upon the stage of success.  You must not doubt this.  You must see this.  Beyond all doubt you must know it.  It is true.  It is sure.

There is no age in Eternal Life.  Have no pity for yourself, nothing but joy and gratitude.

These last few weeks have been the submerging before the consciousness of rescue.  Go forward now and conquer.  Go forward unafraid.

Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that 
have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses.  Joshua 1:3

God At Eventide-July 14

July 14 – Home of Creation

Have no fear. Wonders are unfolding ever more and more. You will be guided in all as you dwell in the Secret Place of the Most High.

Remember in that Secret Place was thought out all the wonders of the Universe. There all your wonder plans will be evolved. It is the home of Creation, and there you, too, share in Creative Power.

God At Eventide-July 13

July 13 – Harmonize

Grow daily, ever more and more, into My likeness.

Do My Will as revealed to you, and leave the result to Me. If you are but My representative, then why concern yourself as to whether the action I have arranged for you is wise or not?

If your control of the mind and body is not as progressive as that of your spirit, it is a hindrance. See to this. The three must work in unison; otherwise disharmony.

Beautiful though one instrument may be in an orchestra, with a beauty beyond that of any other, yet should it play its part ahead of those others, disharmony results; and so with you a sense of frustration and failure follows disharmony within.

God Calling-July 13

July 13 — Expect the Good

Can you get the expectant attitude of faith?

Not waiting for the next evil to befall you but awaiting with a child’s joyful trust the next good in store?

So then faith cometh by hearing, and 
hearing by the word of God.  Romans 10:17

God At Eventide-July 12

July 12 – Your Order of Merit

Grace is the distinctive mark I set upon My friends.

It is no order of merit. It is the result of living with Me. It is even unobserved by those on whom I bestow it, but to those they meet who have eyes to see, it is apparent, just as during My time on earth it was said, “They took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus.”

It may be the sign of My sustaining Power within a life. It may be the quiet strength of poise, the mark of self-conquest, some faint reflection of My character, or a mystic scent of the soul unfolding to My Love.

God Calling-July 12

July 12 – Savior and Savior

If you believe it is My Hand that has saved you, then you must believe that I am meaning to save you yet more, and to keep you in the way that you should go.

Even a human rescuer does not save a man from drowning only to place him in other deep and dangerous waters.  But rather to place him on dry land — and more — there to restore him to animation and health, and to see him to his home.

From this parable learn what I your Rescuer would do, and even more.  Is the Lord’s Hand shortened that it cannot perform and cannot save?

My cry on the cross of “It is finished” is My Cry of Salvation for the whole world.

I complete every task committed to Me. So trust and be not afraid.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun
 a good work in you will perform it until the 
day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6

God At Eventide-July 11

July 11 – More Doors Will Open

Go on in faith and trust. The Way opens as you go. In the Christian Life doors swing open as you come to them, if so be that you have advanced to them along the straight path of obedience.

As you started your journey, what would it have profited had you worried about the closed door ahead?

In the Spirit-Life miracle-working Power operates through natural human channels. As you have seen.

So this is the continuing lesson: Go steadily foreword in firm trust along the path of the quiet obedience.

That is your work. Mine to cause the doors to swing open, as you come to them, not before.

How often have I opened those doors for you in the past? More will open. So trust, so hope, so love.

God Calling-July 11

July 11 – Guardian Angels

You are Mine.  Once I have set on you My stamp and seal of ownership all My Hosts throng to serve and protect you.

Remember that you are daughters of a King.

Try to picture a bodyguard of My servitors in the Unseen waiting, longing, efficient, to do all that is necessary for your well-being.

Feel this as you go through the day.  Feel this and all is well.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Psalm 139:14