God At Eventide-July 10

July 10 – Your Heart is Fixed

Still go forward unafraid. The way will open as you go.

It is fear that blocks My way for you. Have no fear. Know that all is well.

No circumstances, no outward changes, can harm you in any way. Each should prove a step of progress, as long as your hearts are fixed “trusting in the Lord.”

I know no change.

God Calling-July 10

July 10 – Expect Many Miracles

My guardianship is so wonderful.

Expect not one miracle but many.

Each day’s happenings, if of My working, and under My control, are miracle-works.

This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, 
and manifest forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.  John 2:11

God Calling-July 9

July 9 – Why Doubt?

Joy in Me. Joy is infectious. Trust and pray. It is not sin for one who knows Me only as God, as Creator, to doubt Me, to question my Love and purposes.

But for one who knows Me as you do, as Friend and Savior, and who knows the world’s God as Father — for that one to doubt My purpose and saving Power and tender Love is wrong indeed.

But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice; let them 
ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them; 
let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.  Psalm 5:11

God At Eventide – July 8

July 8 – Remember Me

Give me a constant remembrance of Thee.

Ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. But only if the heart desires what the lips express. “The Lord looketh on the heart.”

You will grow into the true attitude of remembrance of Me as you learn more and more to attribute all your blessings, all your guidance, to My increasing care; to the mind of your Master behind all, inspiring all, controlling all, the source of all your good.

God Calling – July 8

July 8 – My Secret

You are being guided but remember that I said “I will guide thee with Mine Eye.”

And My Eye is My set purpose — My Will.

To guide with My Will is to bring all your desires into one-ness with My Will, My desires.

To make My will your only will.  then My will guides you.

Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of
 him that sent me, and to finish his work.  John 4:34

God At Eventide July 7

July 7 – Love’s Growth

Learn from Nature the profusion of her gifts.

As you daily realize more and more the generosity of the Divine Giver, learn increasingly to give.

Love grows by giving.

You cannot give bountifully without being filled with a sense of giving yourself with a gift, and you cannot so give without Love passing from you to the one who receives.

You are conscious, not of yourself as generous, but of the Divine Giver as bounteous beyond all human words to express.

So Love flows into you with an intensity that is both humbling and exalting as Love flows from you with your gift.

God Calling – July 7

July 7 – Painful Preparation

Help and peace and joy are here.  Your courage will be rewarded.

Painful as this time is you will both one day see the reason of it, and see too that it was not cruel testing, but tender preparation for the wonderful life-work you are both to do.

Try to realize that your own prayers are being most wonderfully answered. Answered in a way that seems painful to you, but that just now is the only way.

Success in the temporal world would not satisfy you.

Great success, in both temporal and spiritual worlds, awaits you.

I know you will see this had to be.

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to tr y you, … But rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings.
1 Peter 4:12

God Calling July 6

July 6 – Riches

Never let yourselves think “we cannot afford this,” or “shall never be able to do that.”  Say “the supply for it is not here yet, but it will come if we should have it.  It will surely come.”

Persevere in saying that and gradually a feeling of being plentifully supplied and of being surrounded by riches will possess you.  That feeling is your faith claiming My Supply, and according to your faith it shall be unto you.

But it is not the faith expressed in moments of prayer and exaltation I look for but the faith that lays immediately to rest the doubts of the day as they arise, that attacks and conquers the sense of limitation.

“Ask and ye shall receive.”

Wealth and riches shall be in his house:  and his righteousness endureth for ever.  Psalm 112:3

God At Eventide-July 6

July 6 – Listen Carefully

My poor deaf world. What it misses in loving Words and Whispers.

I want to share so much with it. It will not listen.

“Wherefor do you spend money for that which is not bread and your labour for that which satisfieth not. Harken diligently unto Me and eat that which is good and let your Soul delight itself . . .”

“He that willeth to do My Will — shall know.”

Whose Voice would you hear? So many voices are about you that you may miss the Still Small Voice.

“This is My Beloved — Hear Him.”

God At Eventide July 5

July 5 – My Family Circle

For whosoever shall do the Will of My Father, he is My brother and sister and mother.

You see how everything depends on the necessity of doing the Will of My Father.

Here is the intimacy of a new relationship. The only condition of this is the doing of My Father’s Will. Then at once, into the inner Family Circle there is admission.

The plain way of the discipline is the way of knowing My Will. That is the first requisite to the doing of it.

My Will for each day can only be revealed as each day comes, and until one revelation has been lived out, how can you expect to be made aware of the next?

Awareness of My Will is only achieved by obedience to that Will as it is made clear, and when THAT Will has been obeyed the veil, hiding My next desire, is lifted.