God At Eventide – Sept 14

September 14 – Gifts For You

“Not as the world giveth, give I unto you.”

Not as the world giveth, but oh, infinitely more richly, more abundantly, give I unto you.

The world expects a return, or gives only in return. Not so do I. My only stipulation is receive!

But to receive My Power, My Gifts, you must have room for them, and full of self there is no room for Me and My Gifts.

So all I desire of you is to be emptied of self, and to desire Me.

God At Eventide – Sept 13

September 13 – Cause Of Sin

No longer has sin any power over you unless of your own deliberate choice.

The surest way to safeguard yourself against any temptation to sin is to learn to love to do My Will, and to love to have that Will done in all the little as well as in all the big things in your daily life.

So often man puzzles over this — if I have conquered sin, why is it then so powerful an enemy?

I conquered sin.

It has no power over any soul that does not want to sin. Then all that could lead to sin is desire.

I lay such stress on man’s loving Me. If his love, his desire, is set on Me — he wills only to do My Will. Thus he is saved from sin.

God At Eventide – Sept 12

September 12 – Blame Not

Never seek to cast the blame on others.

If I bear your sins and those of others, are you not casting your blame on Me?

If what is untoward is the result of your own fault or weakness, seek to remedy the cause by conquering the fault and overcoming the weakness.

If it has been caused by another, then apportion no blame, allow no thought of self to intrude to cause the slightest ruffle of your spirit-calm.

Safeguard the peace which I entrusted to you.

God At Eventide – Sept 11

September 11 – Lose This Desire

Again I say, never judge another. That is one of My tasks I have never relegated to any follower.

Live with Me. So you will be enabled to see more of that inner self that I see in each one. Thus you will learn a humility that makes you lose desire to judge.

Oh, seek to love and understand all. Love them for My sake. They are Mine. As you live with Me you will see how I yearn over them, and long for them. Seeing this your love for Me must prevent your hurting Me by unkind criticism of those for whom I care.

God At Eventide – Sept 10

September 10 – Unruffled

Peace. It is your task to keep this Peace in your hearts and lives. This is your work for Me. It is so all-important because if you lack it, then, as a channel, you are for the time useless.

Learn to sense the slightest ruffle on the surface of your lives. Learn to sense the smallest unrest in your heart-depths. Then back to Me until all is calm.

Think, some message may be undelivered because I cannot use you. Some tender word unspoken because self blocks your channel.

Only self can cause unrest, and My great Gift to My disciples was PEACE.

God At Eventide – Sept 9

September 9 – Thy Heart’s Desires

Pause upon the threshold of My House of plenty.

Pause in awe and in the joy of Worship.

He shall give thee thine heart’s desires. Give your desires themselves, conceived as they are in union with the Divine Spirit, and receive their fulfillment.

Know this and let your heart sing with the joy of this Wonder of Supply.

God At Eventide – Sept 8

September 8 – Perfect Harmony

No discordant note mars your intercourse with Me, for only with Me can life be perfect harmony.

There may be much to regret on your part, failure, disloyalty, fear, sin.

In My Holy Presence all that is swept away by My Hand of Love. Only Love, Peace-bringing, Harmony-producing Love remains. If you are to face the World and maintain your calm, you must take to the World, and your tasks in it My Peace and Harmony.

God At Eventide – Sept 7

September 7 – “Lord, My Lord!”

The human heart craves a Leader, one whose will it delights to obey.

It craves a oneness of aim and achievement with a loved one. It craves to be understood.

It craves to reveal itself without reservations and to gain only strength thereby.

To gain, too, an ever more intimate revelation of the heart of the loved one. Where can the heart of man find satisfaction as with Me?

God At Eventide – Sept 5



September 5 – Love Leaps Forward

You must keep close to Me.

Faithfulness is not merely obeying the expressed commands of My Written Word. It is the intuitive knowing of My Wish by close and intimate contact, from which has grown true understanding of Me.

Even with this knowing, faithfulness can only be possible when you are fortified with the Strength that Communion with Me gives.

If you know My slightest wish and have absorbed from Me the Strength in which to carry it out, then Love leaps forward, responsive, rejoicing in the Lord.

God At Eventide – Sept 4


September 4 – We Walk Together

Lord I would walk with Thee.

See, I set My pace to yours as a loving parent does to that of his child.

So there must be much silence in our companionship because you are not yet able to bear all the Wonder-Truth I long to impart.

But though words might find you unresponsive, you cannot fail to grow in My Presence, to grow in Grace, to grow in understanding.

So in that Rest I promised to those who come to Me, you do indeed gain the strength that comes from security in Love.