God At Eventide – July 4

July 5 – My Family Circle

For whosoever shall do the Will of My Father, he is My brother and sister and mother.

You see how everything depends on the necessity of doing the Will of My Father.

Here is the intimacy of a new relationship. The only condition of this is the doing of My Father’s Will. Then at once, into the inner Family Circle there is admission.

The plain way of the discipline is the way of knowing My Will. That is the first requisite to the doing of it.

My Will for each day can only be revealed as each day comes, and until one revelation has been lived out, how can you expect to be made aware of the next?

Awareness of My Will is only achieved by obedience to that Will as it is made clear, and when THAT Will has been obeyed the veil, hiding My next desire, is lifted.

God At Eventide-July 3

July 3 – Hiding in Thee

Follow Me, and whether it be in the storm, or along the dusty highroad, or over the places of stones, or in the cool glade or the meadow, or by the waters of comfort, then, with Me, in each experience there will be a place of refuge.

At times you seem to follow afar off. Then weary with the burden and the way, you stretch out a hand to touch the hem of My Garment.

Suddenly there is no dust, no weariness. You have found Me. My child, even if it seems unprofitable, continue your drudgery, whether it be of spiritual, mental, or physical effort. Truly it serves its turn if it but lead you to seek help from Me.

God At Eventide-July 2

July 2 – Dangerous Power

Do you not see how unnecessary is your learning the method of Spirit-attack? There must be a certain root-faith and Me, or you could not trust yourself to perfect surrender to Me. But there must come to those who walk all the way with Me, a yielding of their wills and lives wholly to Me, or the greater faith that results would be a source of danger. It would drag you back to the material plane, instead of to Spiritual Heights.

For unless your will is wholly Mine, you will rely on this new God-given Power, and call into being that which is not for the furtherance of My Kingdom.

God At Eventide-July 1

July 1 – Out of the Unseen

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

You do not yet see, nor will you see fully while you are on this earth, but faith, cooperating with Spiritual Power, actually calls into being that for which you hope.

Men speak of dreams come true. But you know them as answered prayers; manifestations of Spirit Force in the Unseen. So trust boundlessly.

God At Eventide – June 29


June 29 – All One

Every man is your brother, every woman your sister, every child your child. You are to know no difference of race, color, or creed. One is your Father and all ye are brethren.

This is the Unity I came to teach — Man united with God and His great family. Not man alone, seeking a oneness with God alone. See God the Father with His great world family, and, as you seek union with Him, it must mean for you attachment to His family, His other children.

He acknowledges all as His children, not all acknowledge Him as their Father.

Ponder this.

God At Eventide – June 28


June 28 The Life Divine

As you recognize My dealings with you, Eternal Life flows through your being in all Its sanctifying, invigorating, and remedial force.

Eternal Life is awareness of the things of Eternity. Awareness of My Father and awareness of Me. Not merely a knowledge of Our existence, even of our God-head, but an awareness of Us in all.

As you become aware of Me, all for whom you care are linked to Me, too. Yielding Me your service, you draw, by the magnetic power of Love, on your dear ones within the Divine-Life radius.

God at Eventide – June 27


June 27 – Eternal Life

Eternal Life is a matter of VISION.

Spiritual Vision is the result of knowledge which engenders further knowledge.

“And this is Life Eternal . . . to know Thee the only True God and Jesus Christ Whom Thou hast sent.”

Eternal Life.

Eternal insofar as the quality, the character of the Life is concerned. Being of God implies immortality.

It is My Gift of the Life that is Mine. Therefore it must be Power-Life. This is your Life, to absorb, to live in and through.

” He that believeth –hath eternal life.”

God At Eventide – June 26


June 26 – Life’s Furnace

Life has its furnace for My children, into which they are plunged for the molding.

At their request I watch and watch until I can see them reflect My Glory. Then comes the further shaping into My Likeness. But the metal from which that Likeness is fashioned must be indeed pure.

So often My children are impatient for the molding, never thinking that the refining must come first.

To do My work there must be much refining.

God At Eventide – June 25


June 25 – Ladder of Joy

You see in your lives cause for praise or prayer. You praise or pray. Your heart is lifted thereby into the Eternal, into My very Presence.

Thereafter the drudgery or commonplace or dreary waiting ceases to be the colorless something to be endured. It is the ladder, whereby you rise to Me.

You can then smile at it, welcome it. It is friend, not foe. So with everything in life. Its value for you must depend on whether it leads you nearer to Me.

So poverty or plenty, sickness or health, friendship or loneliness, sunshine or gloom, each may add to the Joy and Beauty of your lives.

God At Eventide – June 24


June 24 – Zest in Service

Your will, your desire, must be to do My Will, wanting It, loving It, as a child hugging some treasure to its heart. So treasure My Will.

Find your delight in It. “Lord, what wouldst Thou have me to do?” is no question of a sullen servant. It is the eager appeal of a friend, who views all life as a glorious adventure, with the enthusiasm of a youth permitted to share an explorer’s quest.

Bring the unquenchable Zest into all you do.