God At Eventide – May 27


May 27 – Home of Content

Can you not trust My supply?

All is yours.  Could I plan your journey, your way of life, your work and not count the cost?

Can you not trust Me even as you would trust an earthly friend?  Live in My Kingdom and then the supply of the Kingdom is yours.

I wish you to learn the Glory of a God-protected life.

No idle, fruitless rushing hither and thither.

Storms may rage, difficulties press hard, but you will know no harm . . . safe, protected, and guided.

Love knows no fear.

God At Eventide – May 26


May 26 – A Day at a Time

The problems of tomorrow cannot be solved without the experience of today.

There is a plan for your lives dependent upon the faithful work of each day.  You frustrate that plan if you leave today’s task  incomplete, while you bestir and fret yourself over tomorrow’s happenings.

You will never learn the Law of Supply if you do this, and the learning of that Law is the lesson for now.

God At Eventide – May 25


May 25 – New Temptations 

You will find that as you grow in Grace evil forces are more ready to hinder your work and influence.

Walk warily, watchfully.

Always see that there is a new discipline to become a part of your armor, for as you progress new temptations will present themselves.

In rarefied air there are subtle dangers unknown in the valley or on the lower sides of the mountain.  Many a disciple fails because he is not aware of the mountain dangers.

God At Eventide – May 24

God Calling

May 24 – No Separation

Come to Me.

At first with reluctant footsteps, then, as our Friendship grows, ever more and more eagerly, until the magic of My Presence not only calls but holds you, and reluctantly you turn to earth’s ways and duties again.

But, as time passes, even that reluctance passes too, as you know there is no separation, not even a temporary one, in such Companionship; because I go with you and My Words you carry ever in your heart. 

God At Eventide – May 23


May 23 – Getting and Giving

Come, My children, come and gladly claim.  Come and take from Me.  Come with outstretched hands to receive.

And keep nothing.  Eagerly pass on My gifts so that I may again bless your emptiness and refill your vessels.

You begin to understand this Law of Supply.

Man does not realize that for the children of the Kingdom the law is not that which rules outside.

My followers must be channels through which My gifts can pass to others.  You cannot obtain My supply and follow the way of the world.

God At Eventide – May 22


May 22 – Christianity Has Not Failed

Men are trying to live the Christian Life in the Light and Teaching of My three years’ Mission alone.  That was never My Purpose.

I came to reveal My Father, to show the God-Spirit working in man.  I taught, not that man was only to attempt to copy the JESUS of Nazareth, but that man was also to be so possessed by My Spirit, the Spirit actuating all I did, that he would be inspired as I was.

Seek to follow Me by the Power of the Indwelling Spirit which I bequeathed to you.  This Spirit WILL guide you into all Truth.

I told My disciples that I could not tell them all but the Spirit would guide them.  That is where MY followers fail Me.  Dwell more and more upon this Spirit-Guidance, promised to all, and so little claimed.

God At Eventide – May 21


May 21 – Soften the Soil

In My story of the Sower the hearts that lost the blessing, that held no good result, lost it because My servants had failed to prepare the ground.

They had failed to guard those they sought to influence, against the power of evil, and hardness of heart.  They had failed to brace them to bear trouble and difficulty.  They had failed to warn them against becoming too engrossed with having and getting.

The ground of the Sower had not been prepared.  Much prayer  must precede seed-sowing if the labor is not to be in vain.

So seek to prepare My way before Me.  Then I, the Great Sower, will come.  Harvest will indeed be great.

God At Eventide – May 20

May 20 – Spirit Waves

You have been told to end all prayer upon a note of praise.

That note of praise is not only faith rising up through difficulties to greet Me.  It is even more.  It is the Soul’s recognition that My Help is already on the way.

It is the echo in your heart of the sound borne on Spirit Waves.

It is given to those who love and trust Me to sense this approach.

So rejoice and be glad, for truly your redemption draweth nigh.

God At Eventide – May 19


May 19 – The Ordered Life

You cannot be doing My work well and wielding a worthy influence unless all your life is ordered.

Let that be your aim and your achievement.

Secure this order and you will be able to do so much more in My service, and, without haste or unrest, reflect more the order and beauty of My Kingdom.

You need this discipline in your life.

Peace is the result of an ordered life lived with Me.

Prepare yourself for each task, for each occasion.  Pray for those you will contact, your time with them.

This will save discord, and will enable the work and planning, in which you cooperate with them, to be fruitful for good.

God At Eventide – May 18


May 18 – The Healing Light

Wherever My followers go, there should be My Light surrounding them.  The Light of the Sun of Righteousness.

Evil cannot live in that Light.

Man is only just learning that light banishes disease.

Every follower of Mine who is in close personal touch with Me is surrounded by this Light.  Light Eternal.  Light reflected by a consciousness of My Presence.

So whether he speak or not he must be the means of diffusing My Light wherever he goes.