God At Eventide – April 28


April 28 – Overshadowing Wings

My child, you are tired with the burden and heat of the day.

Stay a while and know that I abide with you, and know that I speak Peace unto your soul.

Dread nothing, fear nothing. Know that all is well. The day is far spent. The toil has been long, but evening rest with Me is sweet.

The gathering gloom of night will be to your heart but the overshadowing wings of the Eternal God.

Deep in your heart you feel the striving of wonderful Truths. Faint sense of the Glory to be revealed.

God At Eventide – April 27


April 27 – Welcome Them

More and more I shall send into your life those whom you shall help. Have no fear. Do not doubt your wisdom to deal with them. It is My Wisdom that will help them, not any wisdom of yours.

Shower Love on all. Nothing will be too much that you can do for others. Delight in My Word, in My Love.

As you grow more conscious of that Love you will feel more and more the responsibility laid upon you to make that Great Love of My aching Heart known to those for whom I died, and for whom I ever live to make intercession.

God At Eventide – April 26


April 26 – Vain Toil

Master, we have toiled all night and have taken nothing.

There will be nights of wearied anguish, when you toil and catch nothing.

There will be mornings of rapture when the result of your prayers and longings will be so great as to bring you to your knees with a humility born of a wonder of fulfillment — “the nets break.”

Share the loneliness with Me — the weariness, the dreariness, all with Me, as I share all with you.

God At Eventide – April 25


April 25 – Your Limitations

The words I give you mark steps in Spiritual Progress.

There can be no limit to the Spirit Power you may possess as self is turned out and My Will welcomed.

But to those who yield themselves wholly to Me there are limitations as far as the material is concerned, as only what will assist Spiritual growth or manifestation is for these. Yet all your needs will be supplied.

God At Eventide – April 24


April 24 – “Lord, Use Me, I Beseech Thee”

I will use you as you eliminate self and offer Me a consecrated personality, made in My Image.

There can be no limit to My Power to use one such. Nothing is impossible to Me. My Love is limitless, My Tenderness is limitless, My Understanding is limitless.

Every attribute of the Godhead is complete, inexhaustible in a way you can only dimly see.

God At Eventide – April 23


April 23 – Words Of Life

Lord, Thy Word abideth and our footsteps guideth.

Treasure My words in your heart. They will meet your need today as surely as they met the needs of those to whom I spoke them when I was on earth for they were not spoken in time but in Eternity.

If My gift to man is Eternal Life, then the words inspired by that Life are eternal, appropriate to your needs today as they were then.

But the words and the guidance are not for all. They are for those who ACCEPT MY great gift of Eternal Life.

“And this is Life Eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom Thou hast sent.”

God At Eventide – April 22


April 22 – Light Comes

“Lord, show me Thyself” is a cry that never goes unanswered.

Not to physical vision comes the awareness, but to spiritual insight, as more and more you realize My Love, My Power and the manifold wonders of My character.

Its Humility, its Majesty, its Tenderness, its Sternness, its Justice, its Mercy, its Healing of sore wounds, and its consuming Fire.

Man turns to books, he studies theology, he seeks from other men the answer to life’s riddles, but he does not come to Me.

Is there a problem?

Do not worry over its solution.

Seek Me. Live with Me. Talk to Me. Company with Me, daily, hourly.  Lo, suddenly you see.

God At Eventide – April 21


April 21 – How Oft In The Conflict

Lord, bid me come to Thee upon the waters.


All that I did when on earth I do today in the Spirit-realm.

My servant Paul realized this Truth when he spoke of Me as the same yesterday, today, and forever.

When the faintest fear of all that lies before you disturbs you, when you are conscious of the loss of Spirit-buoyancy, then you are looking at the waves and feeling the wind is contrary.

Then you cry, “Lord, save me, I perish.”

And My Hand will be outstretched to save you, as it saved My fearful, doubting Peter.

God At Eventide – April 20


April 20 – The Joyous War

Live much a life apart with Me. In the world but not of it. You can do this even in a crowd, provided self does not intrude.

It is a sign of progress that you cannot be indulging thoughts of self and then turn to Me in complete self-forgetfulness.

Your life must be one of intense service and consecration. Your fight is not so much an active one in the world, as one of active warfare on the unseen plane. A war truly against principalities and powers. Nevertheless a joyous war.

God At Eventide – April 19


April 19 – Love-Controlled

Live in My Love.

Return to Me ever for refilling, that your soul may breathe in and breathe out Love as your lungs breathe in and breathe out air.

There is nothing in you that creates Love, so how can you give it out unless you are receiving it?

All service, to be truly effective and of permanent value, must be wrought in Love. Where Love is, self cannot hold sway, and self nullifies the good in service.

See Me and My thought of you in all your daily life; so, conscious of My Love, you will absorb that Love until it permeates your whole being, and inspires and illumines all you do and say.