March 4 – To The Water’s Edge
As God was in the days of Moses, so is He today. Responsive to the prayer of faith. Still ready and willing to make a path through the Red Sea.
Have the faith of Moses, who never faltered in his trust, even with the sea before, the advancing host behind, and no visible way of escape. To the very edge of the waters he led his people.
His task was done. It was for God, his God, in whom he trusted, to act now. Moses waited for, and expected, that act. But to the edge he had to go.
How often man draws back, halts at the thought of the troubled sea ahead. To go further is useless, he says, and gives up.
Or he goes within sight of the sea, and pauses. He must go on, always as far as he can; he must do all his share. God will not. On –to the Edge of the Sea.
Learn from this a mighty lesson. Do all your work, and leave your salvation to God. To say it will be no good is not to go to the edge, and that is to miss the saving Power of God.
The waters shall be divided, and you shall walk through the midst of the sea on dry land. I have said it. I, the Lord. Have I not done this for so many in your own day? For you? Think on these things.