God At Eventide – February 5


February 5 – The Aching Spirit

Just as I said that those who hungered and thirsted after righteousness would be filled, so I say to you — none ever longed to know Me better and remained unsatisfied. Even with your imperfect knowledge, you are daily realizing how true this is.

Man dwells so much on material things that he fails to grasp the Spiritual laws that never fail.

For all spirit-longing there is fulfillment.  I soothe the aching Spirit.

You think I answer your prayer.  Yes, but the answer was there, awaiting the prayer.

You will see these simple Truths more and more as you live with Me; truths hidden from the wise but revealed to the little ones of the Kingdom

God At Eventide – February 4


February 4 – Wise Rest

Rest should play a large part in the lives of My followers, for tiredness and physical strain can cause man to lose his consciousness of My Presence.

Then the Light that banishes evil seems to be withdrawn — never by deliberate act of Mine, but as the result of man’s attitude towards Me.  Ponder on this.

God At Eventide – February 3


February 3 – Ambassadors All

If you love Me and long to serve others by showing them what I am like, you will assuredly do so.

Because self will disappear, be cast out.

When self has gone then those who see you will not see the self in you; only the ambassador of your King.

You have here in this seemingly narrow life of yours countless opportunities of overcoming self.  Let this be your great task.

God At Eventide – February 2


February 2 –  My Wages

If the world understands you, then you are speaking its language, actuated by its motives, living its life according to its standards.  Will you have this?

Remember I said very clearly, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”  If you serve God, then, for your work, you should surely look to God for reward.

So many of My servants serve Me, and yet expect to receive the gratitude and praise, or at least the acknowledgment of the world.  Why?  You are not doing the work of the world.  Why expect its pay?

God At Eventide – February 1


February 1 – All Love Excelling

Softly I approach.  Gently My Spirit speaks to your heart.

The mystery of man’s communion with Me lies in the beauty and wonder of its aloneness.  For the moment the world seems not to exist.  Its noise and traffic seem hushed.

There is indeed wonder in that stillness.  A faint glimpse is seen in the sudden realization of Love between two human beings.  Surprise and wonder . . . the world is for them alone . . . no claim other than their love.

What wonder in the heart of man when he realizes the beauty, tenderness, and closeness of Communion with Me!

God At Eventide – Nov 17

November 17 – Union With God

True religion is that which binds the soul to God, and supplicatory prayer binds the soul less than any other form of approach.

It is necessary, how necessary, but how often it can fail to bind truly.  Meditation and Communion are of infinitely more value.

Meditation is man’s line thrown out.  It links the soul to God.  Communion is God’s line thrown out.  It draws and unites the soul to Him.

God At Eventide – Nov 16

November 16 – All Are Worthy

Treat all as those about whom I care.

You would visit the poor, the sick or those in prison, knowing full well I would see it as done unto Me.

I want you now to go still further along the way of my Kingdom.  You contact many who are not poor, not sick, not in prison.

They may be opposed to you.  They may disregard much that you consider of value, they may not seem to need your help.  Can you treat these, too, as you would wish to treat Me? They may be in need greater than the others you long to aid.

To you their aims may seem unworthy, their self-seeking may antagonize you.  When I said, “Judge not,” was I not including them too?

Can you limit My words to suit your own inclinations?

This is not an easy task I set you, but your way is the Way of Obedience.  I did not suggest to My followers one they could take or not as they willed.  My “Judge not” was imperative, and a new commandment I gave unto them that they should love.

For those who do not yet name Me Lord, Love is the only magnet that will draw them to Me.

Be true, be strong, be loving.

God At Eventide – Nov 15

November 15 – Sharing With Me

Not by life’s difficulties and trials are you trained and taught as much as by the times of withdrawal to be alone with Me.

Difficulties and trials alone are not remedial, are not of spiritual value.

That value is only gained by contact with Me.  Joy shared with Me, or sorrow and difficulty shared with Me, both can prove of great spiritual value, but that is gained by the sharing with Me.  Share all with Me.

Remember in true friendship sharing is mutual, so as you share with Me, do I in ever-increasing measure share with you — My Love, My Grace, My Joy, My Secrets, My Power.  My Manifold Blessings.

God At Eventide – Nov 14

November 14 – Joy Is Yours

The future is not your concern, that is Mine.  The past you have handed back to Me, and you have no right to dwell on that.

Only the present is My gift to you, and of that only each day as it comes.  But, if unto that day you crowd past sorrows and resentments and failures, as well as the possible anxieties of the years that may be left to you here — what brain and spirit could bear that strain.

For this I never promised My Spirit and Comfort and Help.

God At Eventide – Nov 13

November 13 – A Lonely Road

To Me each one of My children is an individual with varying characteristics and varying needs.  To one and all the way to the highest must be a lonely road, as far as human help and understanding are concerned.

None other can feel the same needs and desires, or explain the inner self in the same way.  That is why man needs Divine Companionship.  The Companionship that alone can understand each heart and need.