God At Eventide – March 2


March 2 – Complete In Me

A Rock of Defense. A Joy to the saddened. A Rest to the weary. Calm to the ruffled.

A Companion of the sunlit glades. A Guide through the deserts of life. An Interpreter of experience. A Friend. A Savior.

All these and many more would I be to you. Never a heart’s need that I could not soothe and satisfy.

Search the ages. Many men have been many things to other hearts, but never one man to all men, never one man all to one man. This only the Maker of Hearts could be.

Not only so, but in Me the soul finds its completion.

God At Eventide – March 1


March 1 – Arise From Defeat

It is not upon one battle alone that all depends, or there would be no hope for My failures.

You enter upon a long campaign when you enter My army. Is the battle lost? Acquaint yourself with the cause, discover your weakness, and with dauntless faith, go forth resolved this time to conquer.

No man can conquer who has not learned his weakness, not made ready for the next conflict, and who does not know and claim and trust My strength, always available when summoned, as you have already proved.

God At Eventide – Jan 18

January 18 – Joy Of Meeting

So many think of prayer as petition only.   It IS petition.  “In everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be made known unto Me.”

But prayer is also a glad turning to meet Me for the joy of the meeting, for the rapture of My Presence.

Prayer, too, is preparation for tomorrow’s return to those who need you, those to whom My love goes out from you.

God At Eventide – Jan 17

January 17 – Great Souls

I am here.  Realize My Presence.  My love surrounds you; be filled with My Joy.

You are being truly guided though not until you are content to be led as little children do you really live fully in the Kingdom of Heaven .

Life with Me is of child-like simplicity.  Simple souls are the great souls, for in simplicity there is majesty.

God At Eventide – Jan 15

January 15 – Where Danger Lies

I am beside you — the eager Listener, so ready to hear your plea, so ready to say all that your heart needs.

Live more with Me apart, and so there will come an ever-increasing helpfulness to others.

Heart-poise, mental balance, spiritual strength, will be yours in ever more abundant measure.  Never feel that you can help others unaided by Me, for therein lies danger.

Your self-importance is destructive of helpfulness, devitalizing because your strength has such limitations.  Mine is limitless.

Grow more dependent upon Me, yet more assured that you can do all things through Me.

God At Eventide – Jan 14

January 14 – How Joy Comes

The Joy that follows awareness of Guidance has ever been the upholding Joy of My followers.

It is the result of desiring My Will only, in every detail, and then the realization of the wonderful way I can act for you when you leave the planning to Me.

Truly all things, every detail in each day, do work together for good to those who love Me.  My miracle-working power can become operative when there is no “kicking against the pricks,” no thwarting of My Will.

Whether you walk here on earth, or are free from earth’s limitations in My Heaven, it is Heaven to walk with Me.  Man has sought to describe Heaven in terms of music and song.  That is but his endeavor to express the ecstasy he knows on earth in Communion with Me, and to anticipate its magnified intensity in Heaven.

God At Eventide – Jan 13

January 13 – Fight Evil Forces

You are going to be a mighty force against evil because you will be ever-increasingly the agent of Divine Power.  Think, when this is so, how could you for one moment imagine that evil could leave you alone?  It is to the advantage of evil to thwart you.

Think how those who care for you in the Unseen watch to see you conquer in My strength for My Glory.

The great battles of your world are fought in the Unseen.  Fight there your battles and win.  More than conquerors through Him Who loves you.  Fight with the whole armor of God, ready prepared for you.

Victors through Me.  Press on. Victory is in sight.

God At Eventide – Jan 12

January 12 – Bright Shadows

He descended into hell . . . He ascended into Heaven.

It is good for man to know his Lord is ever with him through every danger, every change, every seeming chance.  It is good to walk the dark waters with Me.

I did not make the darkness.  It was no artist-design to create a darkness which should make My Light seem the greater radiance.

Willfulness and sin have caused earth’s shadows, but I am there to walk the dark places with you.  So that even the darkest place may be illumined by the Light of the Sun of Righteousness.

God At Eventide – Jan 11

January 11 – Your Good News

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who bring glad tidings . . . that publish Peace.”  When you are weary think that yours are the feet of those who bring glad tidings.

This will rob your steps of weariness, will give a Joy and a spring to your walk.

“Bringeth glad tidings.  Publisheth Peace.”  What a joyful mission.  One of gladness and Peace.  Never forget this, and the Joy of your message and mission will radiate from you gladdening and transforming.

God At Eventide – Jan 9

January 9 – A Love-Home

Hush earth’s desires that you miss not My Footfall.  It brings the strength of a warrior and the eagerness of a Lover.

Let your heart thrill with the glad, “He comes.”  Forsake all thought but the thought of Me as I enter.  Soul-rest and heart-comfort I bring.  Forget all else.

Let Me lift the burden from your shoulders, My burden, borne for you.  Here in quiet, we will rest, while you are reinvigorated.

Poor dwelling, you feel, for the King of Kings.  Yet I see your Home of Love as Love has made it.  I come from locked doors, where youth is trying to live without Me; where old age, ever refusing to answer My pleading and knocking, now hears Me no more, and sits silent and alone.

Comfort Me, My children.  Make of your hearts a Love-Home for the Man of Sorrows, still so often despised and rejected of men.  Yet I would turn their sorrow into joy.