God At Eventide – Jan 9

January 9 – A Love-Home

Hush earth’s desires that you miss not My Footfall.  It brings the strength of a warrior and the eagerness of a Lover.

Let your heart thrill with the glad, “He comes.”  Forsake all thought but the thought of Me as I enter.  Soul-rest and heart-comfort I bring.  Forget all else.

Let Me lift the burden from your shoulders, My burden, borne for you.  Here in quiet, we will rest, while you are reinvigorated.

Poor dwelling, you feel, for the King of Kings.  Yet I see your Home of Love as Love has made it.  I come from locked doors, where youth is trying to live without Me; where old age, ever refusing to answer My pleading and knocking, now hears Me no more, and sits silent and alone.

Comfort Me, My children.  Make of your hearts a Love-Home for the Man of Sorrows, still so often despised and rejected of men.  Yet I would turn their sorrow into joy.

God At Eventide – January 7


January 7 – Cleansing Light

I am the True Light that cometh into the world, and men love darkness rather than Light, because their deeds are evil.

Truly not all men desire My Light.  Not all men would welcome its clear shining.

Many shrink from its revelation, preferring the darkness that would hide their deeds, rather than the remorseless Light that would show the evil of which they are ashamed.

Pray for Light, rejoice to have it, welcome its revelation, and so, when in your lives it has done its searching, cleansing work, then bear it yourselves gladly, triumphantly, out into a world that needs so sorely the Light of the World.

God At Eventide – January 6

Tree Silhouette Against Starry Night Sky

January 6 – Land Of Promise

Imagine the Hope of My Heart that day on the mountainside when I told My followers that to no throne on earth I led them; old forms and negations that had meant so much in the past were to be swept away; motives and impulses were to be all-important.

By the thoughts of his heart was a man to be judged.  Prayer was like a son appealing to a father.  Love was to be the foundation, the Golden Rule.  Tribal, even racial, distinctions were to be ignored and the claims of the whole great family of God were to be met.

To such heights as they had never before scaled I led them, up to Peak-truths they had thought unscalable.

What hopes I had of them as their wonder turned to Vision and they responded to My Message.

What hopes I have today of each of you My Followers as you catch sight of your Land of Promise ahead.


God At Eventide – January 5


January 5  – The Healing Hour

As yet you can only dimly see what this eveningtime will mean for you.

For a while you shed earth’s cares and frets, and know the uplift of soul that comes through planned Communion with Me.

You are renewed, and that renewing is your safeguard from mental and spiritual disintegration.

In this brief time you taste, in contact with Me, something of My Resurrection Life.  It is the glorified Christ you know, and to know Him is to partake too of His Risen Life.

Thus health, physical, mental, and spiritual, comes to you and flows from you.

God At Eventide – January 4


January 4 – Your Mandate

Here in this evening hour I draw near to you — and listen.  Tell Me of the Peace you know in Me; of the tender confidence in Me that has brought Peace and Safety into your life.

Tomorrow you will go back into the world with My message of Eternal Life.  Truths that you are only just beginning fully to grasp, that are bringing you Vision and Joy, you will pass to others, that they may be saved the wasted years that lie behind you.  Turn to them as you would to one following you along a dangerous road and warn them against the pitfalls in their way.

Point out to them the beauties of The Way, the sunlit hills ahead, the sunset glories, the streams and flowers of My peaceful glades.

Direct their attention from earth’s allures or mirages  to Me, your Companion of The Way.  Tell them of your Joy in Me.  That is your mandate from High Heaven.

God At Eventide – January 3


January 3 – Mutual Need

Abide in Me and I in you.

This year dwell much upon this stupendous truth.

You need to abide in Me this year to share in the Spirit-life of the Universe, in its creative power and energy.  Thus you are a part in God’s whole.

But I must abide in you, for only so can I express My Love and Power and Truth through you interpreting them in deed, and look, and word.

In these words of Mine you have My twofold nature.

The Strong Protector! so Strong to shield; and offering you, My guest, all provision you need.

And then you have Me in My Humility, one with you, your close Companion, dwelling in you, and dependent on you.  Think on these things.

God At Eventide – January 2


January 2 – Your Resolutions

It is in union with Me that you receive strength to carry out your good resolutions.

Contact with Me brings power for the work I wish you to do, that work for which I know you to be most suited and which you only can do, and do so well.

It is in contact with Me that you are endued with the Grace that I alone can give, enabling you to minister acceptably to those to whom I send you, and those whom I bring to you.

Even among the distractions and manifold interests of the world — live in My Presence, yet daily withdraw yourself to be alone with Me.

God At Eventide – January 1

God Calling

January 1 – All Is Ready

Write for all things are now ready.

The world is waiting for My Message of Love, and Hope, and Cheer.  The very unrest of the spirit is a sign.  The turning from the husk of religion is a sign.

Man is no longer lulled by empty phrases and promises of a better life hereafter.  He must know Me before he would wish to spend Eternity with Me.  He must know Me here in the storm where he needs strength and rest.

He has been sleeping; now he has been shocked awake.  Now he must find Me or fling defiance at Me or school himself into denial, or indifference.

Reason and argument avail nothing.  Only by the lives of My followers can man be helped; only by seeing Mine unmoved, at peace, joyful, in a world of sorrow, disillusionment, and mistrust.

Your denial today will not be “I know not the man.”  The world is indifferent as to whether you know Me or not. No, it will be your failure to present Me in your life as I am — vital, sustaining, spirit-renewing, your All.

God At Eventide – December 31


December 31 – New Year’s Eve

Bring to Me this eventide the past year with its sins, its failures, its lost opportunities.

Leave that past with Me, your Savior today as ever, and go into the New Year forgiven, unladen, free.

Bring to Me your youth or age, your powers, your love — and I, as your God-guide through the year to come, will bring My agelessness, My powers, My love.

So shall we share the burdens and the joys, and the work of the days that lie ahead.

God At Eventide- December 30


December 30 – Sensitive To Me

So silently I teach, and that silent teaching depends upon your approach.

Let every discipline, every joy, every difficulty, every fresh interest serve to draw you nearer, serve to render you more receptive to My Word, serve to make you more sensitive, more spiritually aware.

It is this sensitiveness that is the prelude to the joy I give you. The sweetest harmony can be played on a sensitive instrument.

Those who fail to hear think Me far off. I am ever ready to speak but they have missed the power of discipline, the wonder of Communion with Me.