I am your Guide. Strength and help will come to you; just trust Me wholly.
Fear not. I am evermore ready to hear than you to ask. Walk in My ways, and know that help will come.
Man’s need is God’s chance to help. I love to help and save. Man’s need is God’s golden opportunity for him of letting his faith find expression. That expression of faith is all that God needs to manifest His Power. Faith is the Key that unlocks the storehouse of God’s resources.
My faithful servants, you long for perfection and see your bitter failures. I see faithfulness, and as a mother takes the soiled, imperfect work of her child and invests it with perfection because of the sweet love, so I take your poor faithfulness and crown it with perfection.
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we
ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20