April 12 – Golden Opportunity


I am your Guide. Strength and help will come to you; just trust Me wholly.

Fear not. I am evermore ready to hear than you to ask. Walk in My ways, and know that help will come.

Man’s need is God’s chance to help. I love to help and save. Man’s need is God’s golden opportunity for him of letting his faith find expression. That expression of faith is all that God needs to manifest His Power. Faith is the Key that unlocks the storehouse of God’s resources.

My faithful servants, you long for perfection and see your bitter failures. I see faithfulness, and as a mother takes the soiled, imperfect work of her child and invests it with perfection because of the sweet love, so I take your poor faithfulness and crown it with perfection.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we 
ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” Ephesians 3:20

God At Eventide – April 11


Easter Gladness

Love and laugh. To the world, sad faces and depressed spirits speak of a buried Christ. If you want to convince men that I am Risen, you must go through life with Easter gladness. You must prove by your lives that you are Risen with Me.

Men will not learn of My conquest over death by the arguments of theologians, but by the lives of My followers. My Risen followers. If you are still wearing the grave-clothes of gloom and depression, of fear and poverty, men will think of us as tomb-bound still.

No, live in the Spirit of the Garden on that Easter morning. For you, too, I will roll away the stone from the door of the sepulcher. Walk unbound in the Garden with Me, in the Garden of Love, Joy, child-like, boundless Faith — the Garden of Delights.

God At Eventide – April 10


Break Free

I sent no disciple to carry My Healing Power to the Syrophoenician woman’s sick daughter, the centurion’s servant, or to the ruler’s son. My Word was all-sufficient.

All that I needed was the faith of the petitioner. Can you not realize that?

Learn to understand and to ask more of Me. If you do not, then others’ bonds are your responsibility.

Loose your own body from all bonds. Remember “the beam and the mote.”

As the fault (the beam) is removed from your own eye, giving you the power to remove the mote from your brother’s eye, so if you bring your body into subjection, discipline it wholly, you will be enabled to free your brother from bonds that bind him to ill-health.

God At Eventide – April 9


The Life Glorious

If by the Spirit you mortify the flesh, you shall live.

This is a further progress-step in My Kingdom. The flesh must hold no pleasure for you that is not held in leash, always under subjection to the Spirit.

It was the utter subjection of the flesh that was manifested in My Silence at the pillar, and in the face of the jibes and insults and blows. It was this complete subjection which meant a Risen Body.

Resurrection-faith is not a matter of belief in Me, and in My Power working a miracle, it is a faith in Me and My Power leading to entire subjection of the body.

The body completely under control of the Spirit is a Risen Body. See now the importance of self-discipline.

God At Eventide – April 8


Stones Rolled Away

And they saw that the stone was rolled away.

How needless their questioning among themselves had been: — “Who shall roll away the stone?”

Wherever My followers go full of desire to do Me loving service, they shall find the stones of difficulty, of obstruction, rolled away.

They came, these faithful women, to the sepulcher with the spices and ointments they had prepared.

Come, too, with your spices of Love to do Me service, and you shall find you have been anticipated. I am ever eager in Love to do you service.

God At Eventide – April 7


Bear Reproach Gladly

Rest unto your souls is found at My Feet. The place of rest is the place of humility.

When you rejoice to serve humbly, when you are content for men to think ill of you, when you can bear reproach and scorn gladly, then what can disturb the gladness of your soul, its rest?

No unrest can assail and hurt the soul that has not its spring in self. That self must be nailed to My Cross, that self must die before you can truly say –“I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.”

God At Eventide – April 6


The Veil Has Gone

And the veil of the Temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom.

The veil that had hidden God from the knowledge and sight of man is at last removed.

I, God and man, had torn away the veil separating God the Father, and man, My brother. I came to reveal my Father to man, and I live, ever live, to make intercession to the Father for man. I am the Great Mediator between God and man, the Man, Christ JESUS.

God At Eventide – April 5



Agony and heartache, pain and loneliness, such as no human being has ever known, were the price of your redemption.

Truly you are not your own.

You are bought with the price. You belong to Me.

You are Mine to use, Mine to love, Mine to provide for.

Man does not understand the infinite Love of the Divine. Man teaches that as I bought him, so he has to serve, obey, and live for me.

He fails to understand that because he is Mine, bought by Me, it is My responsibility to supply his every need. His part is to realize My ownership and to claim My Love and Power.

God At Eventide – April 4


Sharing My Burden

Remember the Truth that you are learning, even now, though dimly.

In Eternal Life there are no time-limits. So My sacrifice was for you today, this hour, as truly as ever it was for those who watched Me on Calvary. I am the changeless One. The same yesterday and forever. Sacrificing Myself today, rising today. You then, once you embrace Eternal Life, enter into My Suffering, and help to carry My Cross, as truly today as if you had walked beside Me to Calvary.

God At Eventide – April 3


See Them Free

If I bore the sins of all in My agonized Heart in the Garden of Gethsemane and on Calvary, then when you seek to punish others whom you despise, you punish and despise Me.

My throwing aside the grave-clothes, and My stepping out into that sunlit Garden on Easter Morn were symbolic of the freedom I had bought for My children, and which they would know in Me.

Are you seeking to bind the grave-clothes round Me? When you recognize a man’s sins you must go further always and see him as free, the grave-clothes of sin and limitation cast aside; the stone, that shut out his Vision of Love and God, rolled away; he, the risen man, walking in My Strength, and conquering in My Power.