April 13 – Gentle With All


Love and laugh. Make your world the happier for your being in it. Love and rejoice on the gray days.

There are wilderness days for My Disciples as well as Mountains of Transfiguration, but on both it is duty, persistently, faithfully done, that tells.

Be gentle with all. Try to see the heart I see, to know the pain and difficulty of the other life, that I know. Try, before you interview anyone, or speak to anyone, to ask Me to act as interpreter between you two.

Just live the spirit of prayer. In speaking to Me, you find soul-rest. Simple tasks, faithfully done and persisted in, bring their own reward, and are mosaics being laid in the pavement of success.

Welcome all who come here. I love you.

“Let love be without dissimulation.” Romans 12:9

April 11 – Hold Your Fort


Remember that My followers are to be a peculiar people, separated from among others. Different ways, a different standard of living, different customs, actuated by different motives. Pray for Love.

Pray for My Spirit of Love to be showered on all you meet. Deal with yourself severely. Learn to love discipline.

Never yield one point that you have already won. Discipline, discipline. Love it and rejoice — rejoice. Mountains can be removed by thought — by desire.

“So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that 
he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33

April 10 – Pride Bars the Way


Obedience is one of the keys unlocking the door into My Kingdom, so love and obey. No man can obey Me implicitly without in time realizing My Love, in his turn responding by love to that Love, and then experiencing the joy won of the beloved, and the lover.

The rough stone steps of obedience lead up to the mosaic of Joy and Love that floor My Heaven. As one on earth who loves another says, “Where you are is home,” so it is in relation with Me. Where I am is My Home — is Heaven.

Heaven may be in a sordid slum or a palace, and I can make My Home in the humblest heart. I can only dwell with the humble. Pride stands sentinel at the door of the heart to shut out the lowly, humble Christ.

“And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his
and do those things that are
pleasing in his sight.” 1 John 3:22

April 9 – Risen Life


“Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.” Isaiah 60:1

The Call comes on this My Day for all who love Me, to arise from earth-bands, from sin, and sloth and depression, distrust, fear, all that hinders the Risen Life. To arise to Beauty, to Holiness, to Joy, to Peace, to work inspired by Love and Joy, to rise from death to Life.

Remember that death was the last enemy I destroyed. So with death My Victory was complete. You have nothing then to fear. Sin, too, is conquered and forgiven, as you live and move and work with Me. All that depresses you, all that you fear, are powerless to harm you. They are but phantoms. The real forces I conquered in the wilderness, the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Cross, in the Tomb.

Let nothing hinder your Risen Life. “Risen with Christ,” said My servant Paul. Seek to know more and more of that Risen Life. That is the Life of Conquest. Of that Risen Life was it truly said: “I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” Fear and despair and tears come as you stand by the empty Tomb. “They have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.”

Rise from your fears and go out into the sunlight to meet Me, your Risen Lord.

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship 
of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”
Philippians 3:10

April 8 – Marks of the Kingdom


Our Savior, we greet Thee. Thy Love and Sacrifice we would return in our poor faulty measure by Love and sacrifice.

No gift is poor if it expresses the true Love of the giver. So to Me your heart’s gifts are rich and precious. Rejoice in My glad acceptance as you bring your Easter offerings.

My children must make a stand. “Come ye out from among them and be ye separate” was the command. Today in life and work, in Love and service, My children must be outstanding. I called a Peculiar People to make known My Name. My servant Paul said that My followers must be willing to be deemed “fools” for My Sake.

Be ready to stand aside and let the fashions and customs of the world go by, when My Glory and My Kingdom are thereby served. Be known by the Marks that distinguish those of My Kingdom. Be ready to confess Me before man. To count all things as loss so that you may gain Me in your lives.

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith 
the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”
2 Corinthians 6:17

April 7 – Calvary


From the death of My Body on the Cross, as from the shedding of husks in seed-life, springs that New Life which is My Gift to every man who will accept it.

Die with Me to self — to human life, and then you will know the rapturous Joy of Easter Resurrection.

A Risen Life so glad and free can be yours.

Mary left home and kindred, friends, all, that Easter morning in her search for Me, and not until the “Mary” had been followed by the glad triumphant rapture of her “Rabboni” was her search over.

So with each of you. Man speaks to you too of the buried Christ. Search until you meet Me face to face, and My tender uttering of your name awakes your glad “Rabboni.”

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me:
and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God.”
Galatians 2:20

April 6 – Easter Joy


I lay My loving Hands on you in blessing. Wait in Love and longing to feel their tender pressure and, as you wait, courage and hope will flow into your being, irradiating all your lives with the warm sun of My Presence.

Let all go this Eastertide. Loosen your hold on earth, its care, its worries, even its joys. Unclasp your hands, relax, and then the tide of Easter Joy will come. Put aside all thought of the future, of the past. Relinquish all to get the Easter Sacrament of Spiritual Life.

So often man, crying out for some blessing, has yet such tight hold on some earth-treasure that he has no hand to receive Mine, as I hold it out in Love. Easter is the wonder-time of all the year. A blessing is yours to take. Sacrifice all to that.

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow.” Matthew 6:34

April 5 – Heart’s Interpreter


Rest in Me. Seek this evening time just to be with Me. Do not feel you have failed if sometimes I ask you only to rest together in My Presence.

I am with you, much with you both, not only at these times, at all times. Feel conscious of My Presence. Earth has no greater joy than that.

I am the heart’s great Interpreter. Even souls who are the nearest together have much in their natures that remain a sealed book to each other, and only as I enter and control their lives, do I reveal to each the mysteries of the other.

Each soul is so different — I alone understand perfectly the language of each, and I can interpret between the two.

“Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.” Psalm 116:7

April 4 – Divine Efficiency


I am all-powerful and all-knowing and I have all your affairs in My Hands. Divine efficiency as well as Divine power is being brought to bear on them. All miracle-work is not the work of a moment as so often men imagine.

My servant Peter was not changed in a flash from a simple fisherman to a great leader and teacher, but through the very time of faithlessness — through the very time of denial — I was yet making him all that he should be. Impetuous spokesman as he always was, ready to lead the other disciples, Peter could never have been the after power he was, had he not learned his weakness. No man can save, unless he understands the sinner.

The Peter who was a mighty force for Me afterwards, who, more than all others, founded My church, was not even first the Peter who said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” but the Peter who denied Me. He who had tested My forgiveness in his moment of abject remorse, he could best speak of Me as the Savior.

The Kingdom of Heaven can only be preached by those who have learned to prize the authority of its Kingdom. A many-sided training My Apostles need. Oh! joy. Oh, rejoice. I love you. Not one test too much will I lay on you.

“That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory.” 1 Peter 11:7

April 3 – Greatness Is Service


My children, I am here, your waiting Lord, ready at your call. I am among you as one that serveth, Meek and Holy, ready to be used and commanded. Remember that is the finest quality of greatness — service. I, who could command a universe — I await the commands of My children. Bring Me into everything.

You will find such Joy as the time goes on in speaking to each other of Me, and together climbing higher. Always humble, meek, and lowly in heart.

Learn this — no position — just a servant.

“Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice” Philippians 4:4