January 6 – Land Of Promise
Imagine the Hope of My Heart that day on the mountainside when I told My followers that to no throne on earth I led them; old forms and negations that had meant so much in the past were to be swept away; motives and impulses were to be all-important.
By the thoughts of his heart was a man to be judged. Prayer was like a son appealing to a father. Love was to be the foundation, the Golden Rule. Tribal, even racial, distinctions were to be ignored and the claims of the whole great family of God were to be met.
To such heights as they had never before scaled I led them, up to Peak-truths they had thought unscalable.
What hopes I had of them as their wonder turned to Vision and they responded to My Message.
What hopes I have today of each of you My Followers as you catch sight of your Land of Promise ahead.