God At Eventide – Jan 14

January 14 – How Joy Comes

The Joy that follows awareness of Guidance has ever been the upholding Joy of My followers.

It is the result of desiring My Will only, in every detail, and then the realization of the wonderful way I can act for you when you leave the planning to Me.

Truly all things, every detail in each day, do work together for good to those who love Me.  My miracle-working power can become operative when there is no “kicking against the pricks,” no thwarting of My Will.

Whether you walk here on earth, or are free from earth’s limitations in My Heaven, it is Heaven to walk with Me.  Man has sought to describe Heaven in terms of music and song.  That is but his endeavor to express the ecstasy he knows on earth in Communion with Me, and to anticipate its magnified intensity in Heaven.