June 3 – Eject Sin With Love


Our Lord, we love and praise Thee.  Thou art our Joy and our exceeding great reward.

Remember that Love is the power which transforms the world.  Love not only of Me, Love not only of the few dear to you, but Love of all – of the publicans, the sinners, the harlots – Love.

It is the only weapon with which sin can be driven out.  Drive sin out with Love.

Drive fear and depression and despair and a sense of failure out with Praise.

Praise is the acknowledgement of that which I have sent you.  Few men would send a further gift of payment until they had received the acknowledgement of the previous one.  So praise, acknowledging, as it does, that My gift and blessing leaves the way open for Me to shower yet more on the thankful heart.

Learn as a child learns to say “Thank you” as a courtesy, with perhaps no real sense of gratitude at all.  Do this until at last a thrill of joy, of thankful awe, will accompany the spoken word.

Do not expect for yourselves feeling that you know others have or have had.  Just go on along the arid way of obedience, and persistence will be rewarded as you come to the Spring, the glad Spring of Water.

Oh, joy in Me, and, as far as in you lies, shed Joy on all around.

Owe no man any thing, but to love one another; 
for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.  Romans 12:8