Down through the ages My Power alone has kept millions of souls brave and true and strong, who else would have fallen by the way.
The Faith has been kept alive and handed down, not by the dwellers in ease, but by those who struggled and suffered and died for Me.
This life is not for the body, it is for the soul, and man too often chooses the way of life that best suits the body. Not the way that best suits the soul. And I permit only what best suits the soul.
Accept this and a wonderful molding is the result, reject it and My Purpose is frustrated, your best prayer unanswered, progress (Spiritual progress) delayed, trouble and grief stored up.
Try, each of you, to picture your soul as a third being trained by us – by you, and Me – and then you will share, and rejoice in sharing, in the discipline and training.
Stand apart from your soul with Me and welcome training – rejoice at progress.
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;
and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body
be preserved blameless unto the coming of
your Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:23