Sept 1 – How Rich You Are


September 1 – How Rich You Are

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.  – Hebrews 13:5

My children, that word is unfailingly true.  Down the centuries thousands have proved My constancy, My untiringness, My unfailing Love.  “Never leave.”  “Never forsake.” Not just a Presence is meant by this, but …

My Love will never leave you, My Understanding will never leave you, My Strength will never leave you.  Think of all that I am:

Love – then forever you are sure of Love.

Strength – then forever, in every difficulty and danger, you are sure of strength.

Patience – then always there is One who can never tire.

Understanding – then always you will be understood.

Can you fear the future when it holds so much for you?  Beloved, “set your affections on things above” (the higher, spiritual things), “and not on things on the earth” (the lower, temporal things), and you will see how rich you are.

Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called;
 I am he; I am the first, I also am the last. – Isaiah 48:12