Sept 18 – Dwell There


September 18 – Dwell There

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty.  – Psalm 91:1

Hidden in a sure place, known only to God and you.  So secret that no power on earth can even find it.

But, My beloved children, you must dwell therein.  No fitful visit, a real abiding. Make it your home.  Your dwelling place.

Over that home shall My Shadow rest, to make it doubly safe, doubly secret.  Like brooding mother-bird wings that Shadow rests.  How safe, how sure, you must feel there.

When fears assail you, and cares trouble you, then it is because you have ventured out of that protecting Shadow. Then the one, the only thing to do is to creep back into shelter again. So rest.

Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me
under the shadow of thy wings.  Psalm 17:8