October 6 – A Child’s Hand
Dear Lord, we cling to Thee.
Yes, cling. Your faith shall be rewarded. Do you not know what it means to feel a little trusting hand in yours, to know a child’s confidence?
Does that not draw out your Love and desire to protect, to care? Think what My Heart feels, when in your helplessness you turn to Me, clinging, desiring My Love and Protection.
Would you fail that child, faulty and weak as you are? Could I fail you? Just know it is not possible. Know all is well. You must not doubt. You must be sure. There is no miracle I cannot perform, nothing I cannot do. No eleventh-hour rescue I cannot accomplish.
And now, O Lord my God, thou hast made thy servant king
instead of David my father: and I am but a little child:
I know not how to go out or come in. 1 Kings 3:7