God At Eventide – January 10


January 10 – How Self Dies

Hush your spirit still more in My Presence.  Self dies, not by human combat, not necessarily by supplicatory prayer, but by the consciousness of My Presence, and of My Spirit-values.  Thus self shrivels into lifelessness, into nothingness.

It is so necessary to dwell with Me, to draw so close to Me in an understanding as complete as it is possible for man to realize.

Do you not see now the need for the training and discipline I have enjoined on you?  They are vital in that they attune your being to the consciousness of My Mind and Purpose.  When this Mind is in you that is in Me you are able to penetrate the outer courts of the Temple, and in the very Holy of Holies to grasp the meaning that lay behind all I said and did and was.

Sacrifice all for this.  Your work has to be inspired.  Where can you find inspiration but in My Presence?

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