May 6 – Sublime Audacity
The way is long and weary. It is a weary world. So many today are weary. “Come unto Me, … and I will give you rest.”
My children, who range yourselves under My flag, you must see that on it are inscribed those words “The Son of Man.”
Whatever the world is feeling, I must feel, I – the son of Man. You are My followers – so the weariness of man today must be shared by you – the weary and heavy-laden must come to you, and find that rest that you found in Me.
My children, My followers must be prepared not to sit on My right hand and My left, but to drink of the cup that I drink of.
Poor world – teach it that there is only one cure for all its ills – Union with Me. Dare to suffer, dare to conquer, be filled with My sublime audacity. Remember that. Claim the unclaimable.
Just what the world would think impossible can always be yours. Remember, My children, sublime audacity.
And whosever shall give to drink unto one of these
little ones a cup of cold water … verily I say
unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.
Matthew 10:42