God Calling – Sept 13

September 13 – No Other Name

My Name is the Power that turns evil aside, that summons all good to your aid.  Spirits of evil flee at the sound of “Jesus.”  Spoken in fear, in weakness, in sorrow, in pain, it is an appeal I never fail to answer.  “Jesus.”

Use My Name often. Think of the unending call of “Mother” made by her children. To help, to care, to decide, to appeal, “Mother.” Use My Name in that same way – simply, naturally, forcefully.  “Jesus.”

Use it not only when you need help but to express Love. Uttered aloud, or in the silence of your hearts, it will alter an atmosphere from one of discord to one of Love. It will raise the standard of talk and thought.  “Jesus.”

“There is none other Name under Heaven whereby you can be saved.”

Because of the savour of thy good ointments 
thy name is as ointment poured forth. Song of Solomon 1:3