God Calling – Oct 9

October 9 – Love Me More

Jesus, our Lord, we Thee adore. Oh, make us love Thee more and more.

Yes! I would draw you closer and closer to Me by bonds of Love. The Love of the sinner for the Savior, of the rescued for the Rescuer, of the sheep for the Loving Shepherd, of the child for its Father.

So many ties of Love there are to bind you to Me.

Each experience in your life of Joy, and sorrow, of difficulty or success, of hardship or ease, of danger or safety, each makes its own particular demand on Me. Each serves to answer the prayer: “Make me love Thee more and more.”

Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now
ye see him not, yet
believing, ye rejoice with
joy unspeakable and full of glory.  1 Peter 1:8